5 tips to get your website converting more
Digital is the ‘in-thing’ at the moment in all walks of life, including marketing. So why do many businesses tend to forget the most basic part of digital – a user-friendly website. Was your website built to win awards or new customers? Was your website built user friendly to generate sales for your company? Does your website look great but not generating leads? Here are 5 simple ways to get your website working for you…
Contact Information
When someone visits your website make it easy for them to contact you whether it be by phone, in person or online (email or contact form) – why make your contact information a treasure map. If visitors can’t find this information, then they’re more likely to leave. Phone Number – Make it nice and big to read & on every page.
Contact Form
Lots of searches happen after normal business hours, making it vital that contact forms are on your website. They should also be easy to fill out. Address – it sounds pretty obvious, but this verifies to people that they are viewing a local company. It can also help establish that initial trust.
Write unique content
Content is King! As is the famous saying. This doesn’t mean going around peeling stuff off from around the interweb though. Creating unique content will build trust from your visitors and also avoid being penalised by search engines. But now you’re thinking, but I don’t have time to blog every day or what have you…but unique content can range from writing about your company in the about us section, writing about your services or products or doing a meet the team page.
Use a strong call to actions
This goes back to the first point of having your contact information ready and available to any visitors. Make it as easy as possible for potential clients to contact you by using a solid call to action – even as something as simple as ‘PRESS HERE’ can make the difference.
Integrate your tools
Make your website user-friendly – not just for your visitors but for you too. Using tools you already use on your website can make things easier for you. E.g – something as simple as an appointment calendar or a chat function feature can help conversions increase. For something a bit more complex, you can integrate your CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system to your website so when a contact form is filled out it is added automatically to your database and ready for you to use.
Using WordPress
Now you may think that designing a website is a bit like The Matrix – only ‘The One’ can do it what with all the binary code and HTML etc…but with WordPress that is all a thing of the past. It allows you to manage your content, images, videos and any other data without having to learn that pesky HTML or coding.
If you need any help with your website whether it be content, building or WordPress please do get in touch with us on the form above. Have a great day 🙂