How To Solve the “Abandoned Cart Issue” for Good!
Do you often get people to your ecommerce store, get them to add a product to the basket/cart and then never hear from them again. Well you my friend have encountered the not so lovely, “abandoned cart issue”. Fortunately for you there are ways you can reduce how often this happens. If you would like to know how, read on…
Progress Indicator
There is nothing worse than experiencing a never ending black hole. So save your customers the boredom and let people know how far along they are into their order. For example you can have Step 1, Step 2 & Step 4. Highlight which step they are on. This gives them a time frame on how long till the order process is over.
Include thumbnails so people know they are buying the right item as you don’t want them to start the whole order again.
Allow Changes
Allow making changes easy for the buyer. They should be able to edit their order easily without having to press the back button.
Reinforce the fact that you have adequate security in place. No one wants to input their payment details on an unsecure site. Make sure they know. A medium sized logo at the bottom of the page works well. you will be surprised at the amount of people that leave the checkout process because you did not display that they have security on their site. Although you may have a good level of security on the site, if you did not advertise it on the checkout page most people would assume there is no security!
Include thumbnails so people know they are buying the right item as you don’t want them to start the whole order again.
Implement Additional Payment Options
You need to implement additional payment gateways. This will allow more people to actually pay for the goods. A good rule of thumb is to have at least three payment gateways. Some examples of payment processors are, Paypal, Sagepay and Wordlpay.
Save The Cart
A large majority of customers use their shopping carts to comparison tool. Giving them the option to save their cart for future use will make it much easier for them to buy from you. These people are just shopping around anyway so they were not going to buy from you right there. This happens in brick and mortar shops too. You go to a shop, pick a few items and ask the shop assistant to keep them for you as you may come back later on to purchase them. It’s no different online.
Dedicated Contact Number
Some customers are uncomfortable using their cards online so giving them the option to call you instead is a great way to increase your cart to sale conversion rate.
If you need any help with your website whether it be content, building or WordPress please do get in touch with us on the form above. Have a great day 🙂