How to make the most of your social media?
Social media – the beauty and the beast of some businesses – like Marmite some love it, some hate it. Yet a social media strategy has become essential in modern business and in some cases determines how well a business will do.
Some of you may think that your social media strategy is working fine for your business and that may be the case, but social media changes quicker than Usain Bolt used to run the 100m and so it is always good to know what updates are happening and how they could help your business.
Here are 5 elements that should hopefully tickle your social media taste buds:
Add a messenger chatbot to your Facebook page.
A chatbot is a great way to keep in touch with your audience on an individual level. Messages can be personalised which you send out to people. Not only can it provide great customer service, and make it faster and easier it also allows you to stay in touch with customers 24/7. You should also think about integrating a chat function onto your respective websites – although these have to be manually manned it allows another form of communication for your customers.
Add a video cover image to your Facebook page.
The photo cover is one of the first things people see when they visit your page, so why not make it captivating with something which will grab their attention.
Use more video across all platforms – especially live video.
You’ve probably seen us on various platforms or read our various blogs – but we’ll say it again the video is one of the best forms of engagement with your audience. The majority of platforms all have a video function…and better yet they have a live video function. Try to think of ways to use this to your advantage. The video will continue to grow year on year – so why not join the fun?
Social media paid adverts.
Facebook is constantly changing its algorithm, and with Twitter and Instagram now also using their own specially-defined systems – organic posts can be lost in the abyss – this is where paid ads come into force and allow you to target the right people with the right content.
Snapchat was the pioneer, then Instagram followed suit, with Facebook close behind – and you know what they won’t be the last. Millions upon millions of people use either of the mentioned ‘story’ functionalities with those oh so ever-changing filters – I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many bunny ears or Harry Potter glasses on so many people. Stories are an awesome way to reach an audience in real-time and luckily because of the format it doesn’t have to be edited at Pinewood Studios with Lucas-esque effects.
You see here’s the secret – people prefer real videos to the countless ‘fake’ videos you see everywhere. So get out there with your camera and start filming!
How We Can Help
If you need help with any of your filming or social media needs, please do get in touch with us here at Coretium Media and we’ll be happy to help you.